What is the price of the camp?
The camp is $425 before any discounts.
Can discounts be combined?
No. Only one discount code can be entered when registering. Please enter the code for the larger discount.
Will I be charged any additional costs or credit card fees?
No. There is a one time registration fee. There are no credit card fees or processing fees. There are no additional costs at camp.
Is the registrations process complicated or time consuming?
No. Signing up for the camp is very simple and only takes a few minutes. It should take 5 minutes or less to register for the camp. We ask for the basic contact information for the camper and parent on the registration page. And you enter a credit card # for the full price of our very reasonably priced camp. Thats it!
How do I sign up?
Sign up online- Click on the "Register" icon at the top of the website. After you enter your registration info you will enter a credit card number.
Sign up by phone- Call 301-377-9750 to sign up by phone. You will pay by credit card when you sign up over the phone.
What are the cancellations policies?
Because staff and practice facilities are scheduled based on the number of campers enrolled in camp, and because t-shirts, jerseys and lunches are pre-ordered, no refunds will be given for any reason. If a serious injury occurs prior to camp, a letter of explanation accomplanied by a doctor's note may be submitted to Pro Lacrosse Camps. These requests will be considered for a tuition transfer to next year's camp.
Will the camp be postponed due to rain or weather?
No. Camp dates or times will not be postponed for any reason. Our facilities are only rented for the listed dates and times. And our staff has made arrangements to be available for the listed dates and times only. Each camp does have indoor facilities available in the event of lightning.